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Zoom Configuration

Setup Zoom & Screenloop

Updated over a month ago

Screenloop supports Zoom as a video conference provider. Once set up and enabled, the users within your organization will be able to seamlessly access recorded interviews that they have access to. The Zoom configuration will be enabled for your whole organization.


This guide assumes that you:

  • Have a Zoom License PRO or higher

  • Are an administrator of your Zoom account

1. Access Account Record settings

In Settings > Admin > Account Management > Account Settings, click on the Recording tab.

1.1. Enable Cloud Recording

Screenloop requires that cloud recording is enabled for your organization so that you can access the interview recordings. You can lock the option so it is enabled for all users in your organization.

In order to improve the quality of the output we recommend recording the active speaker and enabling the display of participant's names in the recording option.

1.2. Auto enable cloud recordings

Screenloop should enable cloud recording automatically for every Zoom meeting. This option is just a safety net. If you do choose to disable it, make sure you do not lock it off.

1.3. Auto-delete cloud recordings

The above options will record and store your interviews in the Zoom cloud. However, there is a limit on how much your organization is allowed to store. We recommend that you auto-delete cloud recordings after 14 days.

1.4. Advanced cloud recording settings

You need to enable the following settings to allow Zoom to automatically transcribe the audio of the interviews that are recorded, as well as save the VTT file as a closed caption:

2. Access Account Meeting settings

In Settings > Admin > Account Management > Account Settings, click on the Meeting tab.

2.1 Waiting Room

To ensure a better interview experience, allow the host to approve every candidate and other interviewers. If for any reason, the host is late to the interview, other attendees will be in a waiting room. Please note that only licensed users can be hosts on Zoom, so the Waiting room feature will not work for free users.

Please navigate to the waiting room options:

Install Zoom on Screenloop

To perform these steps you need to have site administrator permissions.

  1. Sign in to the Screenloop web portal

  2. At the bottom of the navigation left panel click on Organization Settings

  3. In the left panel that just popped up, please click on Integrations

  4. Click on the Connect button on the Zoom integration

You will be further prompted to authorize Screenloop to access the meetings, recordings and further information that is invaluable for reporting.

Upon successful configuration, you'll see the following result:

If something goes wrong, as shown below, do reach out to Screenloop's support.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I properly enabled cloud recording, but no recording is being stored in Zoom.

    • Please make sure that auto-enabled cloud recordings are not locked off.

    1. This is a static meeting URL tied to a specific user’s Zoom account. Although Screenloop can sync meeting URLs that use a PMI, we cannot guarantee that the recording retrieved will be the correct one. Please ensure this setting is disabled before scheduling any interviews.
      To disable it, navigate to the Schedule Meeting section in your Zoom settings, locate the option Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting, and toggle it off.

  2. How to uninstall the Screenloop App from Zoom.

    1. If you want to uninstall Screenloop, you'll need Zoom administration privileges. Log into your Zoom account and then go to the Zoom App Marketplace. There, go to Manage > Installed Apps, click on the Screenloop App, and finally click uninstall.

  3. What Zoom actions does Screenloop take on your behalf?

    1. To function properly, Screenloop performs the following actions:

      1. Automatically record scheduled meetings of every Zoom user: Screenloop synchronizes data from your ATS (application tracking system, such as Greenhouse or Workable). We use the synchronized Zoom meeting URL to auto-enable cloud recording on scheduled meetings. To do this, we need to update the meeting; hence, the meeting write privileges are required.

      2. Automatically download meetings recorded stored in Zoom cloud for every user: Screenloop synchronizes data from your ATS (application tracking system, such as Greenhouse or Workable). We use the synchronized Zoom meeting URL to download the recordings available for that meeting.

      3. Automatically synchronize meeting participants' metadata for every user's recording: Screenloop uses the synchronized metadata to calculate the punctuality of the interviewers and candidates. This metric is useful for tracking whether the interview time is being optimised.

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