Share an interview in Screenloop

Step by step guide on how to share an interview

Written by Nuno Saldanha
Updated over a week ago

After accessing the interview recording, transcript and insights, it's time to share it with the appropriate team members. Depending on the interview stage you might need different insights and feedback regarding a particular candidate.

More information on how to access and leverage interviews can be found here. This article will focus on how to share a specific interview with one or more team members.

The process is simple:

  1. Go to the interview view page for the interview you would like to share;

  2. Click “Share” at the top right of your screen;

3. Select an existing user with access to Screenloop or copy and share a link to the recording:

Please note that sharing with a specific member will override any permissions that were set-up within your ATS i.e. even if the team member is not associated with a specific job or job stage he will be able to see it if shared directly with his user. The share link follows the pre-established permission system which means that hiring managers and interviewers will only see jobs that are assigned to them in the ATS. Both sharing options are fully secure and do not provide access to anyone that is not part of your Organisation/Screenloop instance.

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