Setting up the Sidekick for Interviews

Step by step guide on how to set-up the Screenloop interview Sidekick using the Chrome Extension

Written by Saoirse
Updated over a week ago

The Screenloop interview Sidekick is the ideal companion for all interview related matters.

It is your ultimate interview companion, perfect for notetaking, identifying key moments and supporting you in structuring your interview. All this information is brought directly into the scorecard assistant that is imbedded withing your ATS. Further details on the Scorecard assistant can be found here.

It's easy to set up and interact with during an interview. This article will focus on the set-up piece but an article on how to use the interview Sidekick is available here.

Set-up requirements

This guide assumes that you:

  • Have access to a Screenloop account in your organisation

  • Your organisation is setup with their chosen Video Conference tool (such as Zoom or Google Meet)

To set up the Sidekick you just install the Screenloop Chrome Extension here.

This extension will enable your Google calendar to sync with Screenloop and identify the interviews that are already scheduled in your ATS and where you can leverage the interview Sidekick.

Screenloop Chrome Extension will automatically allow pop-ups on the browser settings.

More information on how to launch and leverage the interview Sidekick can be found here.

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