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Interview Intelligence analytics and data insights
Interview Intelligence analytics and data insights

Step by step guide on how to access and leverage analytics and data insights

Written by Nuno Saldanha
Updated over a week ago

The Interview Intelligence analytics section of Screenloop was designed to give each user detailed insights regarding performance, whether you are a recruiter or a hiring manager. The following sections will highlight the key metrics, how they are calculated and how you as can benefit from more exposure to data insights.

Access to the data is defined by the user role. If the permission is set to Admin, the user will be able to view all data for all users. If the permission is set to Basic, users will only view data related to their own interviews.

The analytics section can be found on the left navigation menu:

More exposure to data and facts will allow Interviewers and Hiring Managers to start leveraging these insights to actively change and improve their conduct while on an interview with a candidate.

By default, this page will show how each user compares to what is considered the best practice in the business, allowing them to get quick insights regarding their behaviour and metrics trends. The multiple available filters give you total freedom to play around with your data and check insights about a particular Job and/or Interviewer.

Next, we will explore each one of the sections in more detail.


To give more freedom in analysing your data, we introduced a variety of filters:

  • Jobs - list of all active jobs;

  • Interviewers - list of all interviewers involved in the interviews;

  • Benchmark - a way to compare data between the industry's best practices, your Company Average and/or Screenloop’s Customer base Average;

  • Date - a pre-selection of dates or a customised range is available (the default date is "Last 30 Days").


Interviews give you the total number of recorded interviews that took place for the selected period of time.


Duration (in average) gives you the average interview duration for all recorded interviews during the selected period of time.


Interactivity offers the ability to understand how often conversation switches between participants (takes into account the number of monologues in each interview and factors in the number of participants). Rating is 0-10 and best practice is anything above 5 to guarantee the interview is dynamic and all participants have a chance to participate. It is helpful to understand interviewers' engagement.


Questions give you the average detected questions per interviewer. Takes into consideration all questions that the selected interviewers asked within the defined timeframe.

Interview Quality Score

Interview Quality Score gives you the score of all the recorded interviews. The score is calculated using a formula that takes into consideration several other metrics - Talk Ratio, Talk Speed, Longest Monologue, Punctuality and Interactivity (30% * Talk Ratio + 20% * Talk Speed + 10% * Longest Monologue + 20% * Punctuality + 20% * Interactivity). The best practice is 75% or above to correlate with the best practice results of the metrics used for the calculation.

Interview Quality Score History

Interview Quality Score History gives a breakdown of the interview quality score by day, week or month depending on the selected timeframe.

Talk Ratio

Talk Ratio shows the percentage of time the interviewer spoke during the interview. It is useful to understand the amount of time that you are speaking vs. the time the candidate was speaking per interview. Ideally, the interviewer talk ratio should be between 30-40% to allow the candidate to have time to answer all questions and to express himself in a comfortable manner.

Talk Speed

Talk speed allows you to know how fast the interviewer spoke during the interview. It is important to be clear and make the candidate comfortable during the interview. Talking too fast can have a high impact on candidate performance and is something that interviewers should monitor on a regular basis. For the English language, 130-150 words per minute are the recommended benchmark since it allows the candidate to follow what is being said in a pleasant and comfortable way. This metric should also be monitored for non-English native candidates.

Longest Monologue

The longest Monologue is the maximum amount of time, regardless of the words spoken, by a user. This metric provides a measurement of the interviewer's effectiveness by monitoring the longest amount of time the interviewer speaks continuously, which provides insight into whether that interviewer gave the candidate the possibility to talk throughout the interview.


Punctuality measures how late or early was the interviewer when he joined the interview. This is important because being late to an interview is currently one of the main dissatisfaction points for candidates and if recurrent during the interview process may lead to candidate dropouts. Ideally, this data point should be kept at 0 minutes (or even under) to make sure the candidate does not have to wait.

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