Why is training important?

This article explains how interviewer training benefits your team.

Written by Saoirse
Updated over a week ago

Providing hiring managers with training can help to improve the quality and fairness of the hiring process, and can also provide numerous other benefits including improving employer brand, supporting DEI, maintaining quality of hire and improving hiring decisions.

It is a well known fact that in most companies there has been little to no interviewer training. In fact over 70% of interviewers admit to having no or limited interviewer training.

Now more than ever, ensuring you are supported in hiring high quality candidates is fundamentally important to your company.

In order to support you we provide the tools for you and your team to continuously develop as interviewers. Meaning you engage with top candidates and crucially understand why they are a good fit for your company.

What are the key benefits of Interviewer training?

Improved hiring decisions: Training can help and support interviewers to develop the skills and knowledge needed to make more informed and objective hiring decisions. This can result in better matches between job candidates and open positions, leading to ensuring the best quality candidates are placed for each role.

Supporting DEI: Training can also help to reduce bias in the hiring process, as it can provide interviewers with the ability to understand and recognise their own unconscious biases and how to address them. This can lead to more diverse and inclusive hiring practices, ensuring that all candidates are viewed fairly for each open role.

Legal compliance: Providing interviewers with training can also help to ensure that the organisation's hiring practices are always legally compliant. Providing you with confidence that every interview is conducted in a professional manner. Preventing any potential reputational damage.

Enhanced reputation: Providing training to hiring managers can also help to enhance the organisation's reputation to high quality candidates. Being able to explain your company's values, benefits and culture will serve to encourage and support your reputation. Training will support your interviewers in doing this.

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