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How to use the Candidate Page

How the candidate page works in Screenloop

Updated over 10 months ago

Read on to learn how to navigate a candidate page on Screenloop.

Quick note on Permissions:

  • Admin Users can see all candidates and their information.

  • Basic users can only see candidates and their information for the roles that they're assigned to.

  1. Profile

Candidate's information:

  • To view the candidate's CV, click "View CV" in the left box.

  • To view the candidate's LinkedIn page (if it was uploaded when they applied, or you uploaded them into the ATS).

Latest Activity:

  • Activity for this candidate will be pulled through in this feed, including emails between you and the candidate, completed scorecards, interview information.

  • Completed scorecards will be automatically added to the activity feed once completed.

  • To add a note to the candidate, click Add note on the top right of the Activity tab.

    • here you can tag colleague(s) that are active on Screenloop in a note by typing in "@[colleague name]. They will get an email notification of being tagged in the note.

  • The activity feed is sorted from oldest to newest activity.

The metrics bar at the top:

  • Current stage = the stage the candidate is currently active in.

  • Time on stage = how long the candidate has been active in this stage.

  • Time in process = how long the candidate has been active in the job.

Pending actions:

  • My Own: these are the outstanding actions you need to complete for this candidate. This could include filling in a scorecard or scheduling an interivew. To complete the action e.g. Fill in Scorecard, select the action and you'll be directed to the right place to complete the action.

  • Hiring Team: these are the outstanding actions the rest of the team need to complete for this candidate.

Quick note on Permissions: Only Admin users can see the Hiring Team's Pending Actions. Basic users can only see their own Pending Actions.

Editing a candidate's job application:

  • Click the pencil button on the top right of the screen to edit a candidate's job application.

  • Here you can edit/add/remove information on their CV, experience, current role etc.

Scheduling an interview with the candidate:

  • Click the calendar button on the top right of the screen to schedule an interview with the candidate from the candidate page. For more information on scheduling interviews, SEE HERE *INSERT LINK*.

Moving the candidate to another stage of the hiring process:

  • Click the arrow button on the top right of the screen to move the canddiate to a different stage in the job workflow from the candidate page.

Sending an email to a candidate:

  • Click the email button on the top right of the screen to email a candidate from within Screenloop.

  • You can either write an email from scratch, or insert an email template (which you can also edit if you like). See below:

  • Admin users can create and edit Email Templates in the Organization Settings. See here for more information.

  • Give your email a subject line.

  • To attach a file to your email to a caniddate, select Attach File.

  • To send the email, hit Send.

  • To cancel the email being sent, hit Cancel.

Adding the candidate to another job:
If you think the candidate is a better fit for another job, and want to move them into that job instead, hit "Add Job Application":

Here you can add them to the job you think they're a better fit for, and add in any further information if desired, though their existing info e.g. CV will still be available to see.

Editing Candidate Profile

Click Edit Candidate Profile to edit/add/remove any of the candidate's information.

​Other actions

  • Add Note = another way you can add a note to the candidate. Here you can tag colleague(s) that are active on Screenloop in a note by typing in "@[colleague name]. They will get an email notification of being tagged in the note.

  • Click Interview Kit to see the scorecard and Interview Questions for the candidate's interview. Scorecards and Interview Questions for a job can be edited by admin users in the Job Workflow section.

  • Reject Candidate is where you can reject a candidate individually. Select your rejection reasons. You will get a pop-up directing you to email the candidate to inform them of rejection.

  • To view scorecards from previous interviews with the candidate, hit View Scorecards.

  • To Fill in the scorecard of the candidate after you've interviewed them, click Fill in Scorecard.

2. Activity

The activity page is where you can see Activity in more depth.

  • Filter by date by using the date dropbown box and selecting the dates you want to filter by.

  • Filter by activity type by using the second dropdown box.

3. Interviews

Here you can see a breakdown of all interviews for the candidate. This includes scheduled interviews, completed interviews, interviews pending schedule and interviews pending schedule that have expired.

  • If an interview that you sent out for self-schedule has expired, you can reschedule the interview by clicking Regenerate self-scheduling link on the far right of the interview box (see below). You will be taken to the scheduling page where you can schedule the interview with the candidate again.

4. References

Here you can request a Reference check for a candidate. References will be sent to 2x Managers and 1x Peer of the candidate. If you'd like to edit this (to 2x Peers, 1x Manager, or similar) please message your Customer Success Manager.

Click Request Reference Check on the top right of the Screen.

You will then be asked if you are sure you want to send a Reference check to the candidate. Hit Yes, and the reference check request will go to the candidate.
This is what the candidate receives in their inbox:

The candidate will fill in the details of their referees, who will then receive the reference checks. Simple as that!
You will be notified by email when the reference checks are complete.
To view the Reference check report within the ATS, go to the References tab on the candidate page, and you will see the report.

5. Background Checks

Note: Screenloop's background checks are ISO and SOC 2 Type 2 and SOC 3 certified.

Now, the only thing you need to do is identify the candidates to which you want to request a background check and go to that candidate detail page and select the 'Background Checks' tab.

Pressing the 'Request Background check' button will bring up a form that should be filled according to the candidate's information and the desired background check(s), as well as the respective country for which it is being requested. Here are the checks that can be requested (which vary according to the chosen country):

  • Softcheck

  • Identity Verification

  • Enhanced Identity Verification

  • Criminal record check

  • Enhanced Criminal Record Check

  • Education Verification

  • Employment Verification

  • Right to Work (coming in the next few weeks)

After placing one or multiple background checks, the status will remain in 'Pending' until it is completed by the candidate and validated. Once completed, the status will change to 'Returned' and the report can be downloaded.

A completion notification is sent via email and Slack to let recruiters and admins know that the report is now available to be downloaded.

Note that each Background Check has an associated price that will be invoiced by Screenloop in the next billing cycle.

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