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Pipeline View - How to use

How to get the most out of the Pipeline

Updated over 10 months ago

Here's a 20 second vid showing you how to find the Pipeline view, and what you can do with it:

Sorting candidates by filters:

You can sort your candidaters via the Sort drop-down on the top right of the Pipeline page.

You can sort by:

  • Days on stage (how long a candidate has been in the existing stage)

  • Name (A-Z)

  • Applied at (sorts candidates by the date they applied)

  • Pending actions (sorts candidates by the number of pending actions associated with them).

You can use the arrow button next to the drop-down box to sort these from Ascending to Descending, vice versa.

Moving candidates to a different stage:

You can move candidates by

  • dragging and dropping them into the desired stage.

  • clicking Move to stage on the 3 dots next to the candidate's name

Pass-through rate (PTR) at each stage:
This signifies the % of candidates that progress from a stage.

E.g. if 3/10 candidates in the stage "2nd Interview" are progressed to the next stage "Final Interview" for example, the PTR for "2nd Interview" is 30%.

Viewing a CV, Viewing a candidate, viewing interviews, moving to a stage, and scheduling an Interview, can all be done by clicking the ... button to the right of the candidate's name.

That's pipeline view!

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