Here's a 20 second vid showing you how to find the Pipeline view, and what you can do with it:
Sorting candidates by filters:
You can sort your candidaters via the Sort drop-down on the top right of the Pipeline page.
You can sort by:
Days on stage (how long a candidate has been in the existing stage)
Name (A-Z)
Applied at (sorts candidates by the date they applied)
Pending actions (sorts candidates by the number of pending actions associated with them).
You can use the arrow button next to the drop-down box to sort these from Ascending to Descending, vice versa.
Moving candidates to a different stage:
You can move candidates by
dragging and dropping them into the desired stage.
ORclicking Move to stage on the 3 dots next to the candidate's name
Pass-through rate (PTR) at each stage:
This signifies the % of candidates that progress from a stage.
E.g. if 3/10 candidates in the stage "2nd Interview" are progressed to the next stage "Final Interview" for example, the PTR for "2nd Interview" is 30%.
Viewing a CV, Viewing a candidate, viewing interviews, moving to a stage, and scheduling an Interview, can all be done by clicking the ... button to the right of the candidate's name.
That's pipeline view!